Tuesday 31 January 2012

Planning my magazine.

My magazine.
Paw Print.

My front cover. I decided to choose the cat's title because my magazine is about cats and I wanted to use a title that is eye catching and a title like no other. Also I used the yellow background because yellow means happy and is also bright and eye catching this is another way for catching my audience attention. I thought I would yellow for my target audience because dark boring colours would not attract their attention but yellow would. And I used big, middle and small pictures and different pictures because then my audience will know what my magazine is about straight away and want to read more because they have an idea about what my magazine has in store.

My contents page of my magazine. On my contents page I used the same colour background as the front cover I did this because I wanted it to link still eye catching and bright just like the front cover. Also I thought I would the colour yellow because I thought it went well with the age group I'm aiming at (11-16 years). As well yellow is a bright, happy colour rather then using dark boring colours to attract my audience. Another thing is that I used a lot of big pictures but writing in all the right place (so it does not look messy), I thought I would add a fair amount of writing and pictures because the age group I'm aiming at is 11-16 years old and that age group can not have to much writing because that would be to boring and it can't have to much pictures because that would be childish. So I thought I would add a fair amount to make it still look instersting but still the right amount for the readers. And I used the title Paw print because it appeal's to the readers age group and it is very eye catching and cute.

 My double page spread . My double page spreed has one side of writing but some pictures but around the writing so it does not look to childish. And on the other side of the double page spreed there is a big photo and pictures around the big photo, I did this because I wanted the big photo to stand out even more and so that it is eye catching to the readers. I also wanted this part of the magazine to be about something that would appeal to teenage girls (age 11-16 years), and it is cat fashion, fashion for teenage girls. Also I decided to do this part of the magazine about cat fashion because its not childish because this would not appeal to young children also it would appeal to adults. Also I thought I would have cute eye catching and pictures that relates to what this part of the magazine is about, I thought I would do that because of the age group I'm aiming at loves eye catching, funny,cute and instesting things so I thought I would make the double page spreed look more instersting by adding small but eye catching images that suit the age group I'm aiming at which is 11-16 years. Also I used a yellow background because I wanted the background to look bright and eye catching, I picked this background as well because it is a colour that teenage girls love because its a nice, bright and happy colour not a boring colour. So that is why I picked the colour yellow for my background colour.