Friday 15 March 2013

Collating Research and Drawing Conclusions.

Here is the results tables from  my questionnaires. The answers was put together by me by looking at all the questionnaires I gave out to the people to answer. For example one of the questions was,"Do you know what a Thriller trailer is"? I found out using my collating research and by drawing conclusions, that 13 people I asked did not know what a Thriller trailer is, so they answered,'No'. To the question. And 14 people did know what a Thriller trailer is, therefore the 14 people answered,'Yes'.

Thursday 14 March 2013

Conclusion the conventions of a Thriller trailer

Thriller Trailer Conventions

 My Thriller trailer conventions was anslysing the Thriller trailer,'Salt'. and the Thriller trailer,'Minority Report'. 

Thriller Trailer Questionnaire- Audience Expectations And Reactions

Here is my Thriller trailer questionnaire on audience expectation. This part of the questionnaire the audience would tick on the line which applys to them. For example: If the audience member was a female they would tick on the line next to female. (There was a total of eight questions,(inculding age and gender). Another one of the questions was,"What do you expect to see in trailer for a Thriller"? The answers aviable a main character, dramatic music, action scenes,quick editing/cutting, rubber duck and a Space ship


Here  is my Thriller trailer questionnaire on audience reactions.  This is part of the questionnaire the audience would tick on the line that appiles to them. For example a question I asked in this questionnaire was,"How did the trailer make you feel"? And the answers aviable for the audience member to tick on the line that appiled to them was, happy,sad, confused, scared, worried, excited and it made me want to see the film.

Audience Research graphs

This research was very valuable because it was primary research that I was able to do myself. This means it is really reliable. I found it much move useful I than some of my other research because the results were really detailed.