Tuesday 6 December 2011

Media Pack

An introduction to my magazine: Do you love cat and cute kittens? Then Paw Print is the magazine for you! Paw Print is a cute, funny and clever magazine for teengagers aged 11-16 years of age. You can aww at the cute picutres of kittens, learn how to really look after your cat or kitten and laugh at funny storys and photos of cats and kittens. So why not check out the new magazine called Paw Print!

A brief summary of your content: My content will have some photos of cats and kittens, page numbers to find the page you want to read in the magazine and some writing of what will be in the magazine.

And any slogans I may use:
1.) To cute to look at!
2.) Can't get any cuter then this!
3.) To cute to be true!
4.) The perfect magazine just for you!

Cirulation and readship figures:
Cirulation figures= 4,000
Readship figures= 10,000

Facts about my readers:
The readers who will read my magazine (Paw Print) will be aged 11-16 years of age.
Other things the readers will buy would be animal magazines, how to look after your animal magazine and instersting magazines about animals.,(Facts about animals). Places where the reader will go would be going to Pet shops (to buy aniamls and to just look at all the animals there)and jobs to look after animals (cleaning them, feeding them and caring for them). Things the reader will spend their money on would be food for animals (Cats and kittens), water for cats/kittens, toys for cats/kittens and things to keep their cat/kitten clean.

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