Tuesday 13 March 2012

What makes a good pitch.

Good Pitch.
WWW (what went well) : (In the video at 00:00-01:44).
What went well in this video is that the people made really good eye contact and that they made their voices really clear so that the audience could understand them well and because they made eye contact and had a clear voice then the audience could listen to what they are saying and enjoy their pitch because they made eye contact and had a clear voice.

Good Pitch.
EBI (even better if): (In this video at 00:00-01:44).
Even better if with the same pitch if they had better body language rather then just sitting down through the whole pitch they could of stood up so that way their pitch could be more fun to watch for the audience watching.

Bad Pitch.
EBI: (In the video at 01:44-06:01).
Even better if for this pitch could be if they would of been more clearer with their voice so that way the audience would enjoy the pitch better, because the people showing the pitch talked fast and you could not really understand what they was saying.

Bad Pitch.
WWW: ( In the video at 01:44-06:01).
What went well for this pitch is that they made good eye contact this was good because the audience was more instersted in their pitch also they had good body language this made them look comfutable and more instsesting.

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