Thursday 28 June 2012

Task 9 - Final Pitch

Reviewing my work

This is my final pitch for my magazine. After I got some feedback from my peers about my first pitch, I tried to make improvements on my second by improving my body language and making better eye contact and explaining ideas.

I think I got the message about my magazine target audience across by justing showing my magazine fount cover, contest page and double page spread and by talking about my magazine.

The unique thing about my magazine concept is there are not many magazines about cats and that my magazine is aimed at teenagers . It would stand out from other similar magazines by having facts and interesting knowledge inside my magazine.

I felt very impressed with my self after presenting my second. Two particular things I felt pleased about were I knew what to say if I was asked a question about my magazine and I did not lose my focus. Two things I think I could probably change next time would be to speak more clearly so that way the audience can understand me better and to be more confident.

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