Thursday 28 June 2012

Task 9 - Final Pitch

Reviewing my work

This is my final pitch for my magazine. After I got some feedback from my peers about my first pitch, I tried to make improvements on my second by improving my body language and making better eye contact and explaining ideas.

I think I got the message about my magazine target audience across by justing showing my magazine fount cover, contest page and double page spread and by talking about my magazine.

The unique thing about my magazine concept is there are not many magazines about cats and that my magazine is aimed at teenagers . It would stand out from other similar magazines by having facts and interesting knowledge inside my magazine.

I felt very impressed with my self after presenting my second. Two particular things I felt pleased about were I knew what to say if I was asked a question about my magazine and I did not lose my focus. Two things I think I could probably change next time would be to speak more clearly so that way the audience can understand me better and to be more confident.

Thursday 14 June 2012

WWW and EBI for my pitch.

                                                     WWW and EBI for my pitch.

WWW : (What went well).

-WWW: My magazine is very creative and I spent a lot of time on the magazine.

-WWW: I knew my magazine very well so i knew what to say.

-WWW: I answered very question that I was asked about my magazine.

EBI : (Even better if).

-EBI: I should make more eye contact.

-EBI: I should speak more clearly so that the audience understand what I am saying.

- EBI: Also I should have better body language so that my pitch is better.

This is one of the WWW and EBI sheets: 
This WWW and EBI sheet shows all kinds of ways I could make my pitch better and this sheets also tells me what I did not do well in my pitch. So therefore if I was to do another pitch this sheet would be to help me and to tell me what I need focus on.

This is the second WWW and EBI sheet:
This sheet tells me what went well and would be even better if in my pitch. Also this sheet is to tell me what I could do for my next pitch if I was to make it better. 

Thursday 26 April 2012

Task 7 : Using Photoshop to create your magazine.

 My front cover.
The front cover of my magazine has changed a lot compared to my draft. Firstly I changed the title slightly by adding a background to it to make it stand out more. And i changed the pictures on the magazine, I changed the pictures by moving them around and adding captions to them to help the reader to find what page they want to find out what the pictures are about. I also changed the background by changing it to a cat face. 

 My contents page.
 On my contents I changed a lot, to start with I changed the background from one colour and made it into m three different colours so that it is more eye catching and looks more instersting to the audience. I also changed the pictures so they look more instresting and more appealing to the audience. Also added more page numbers because I wanted it to look more like a contents and so that the readers can find the page they want faster. And I added photos with captions because so it looked more like a contents page and so that the readers know where they can find that picture they like and find where it is in the magazine.

 My double page spread.
On my double page spread I changed the background colour so it looked more appealing to my audience and more eye catching. Also I changed what My double page spread is about my draft was about cat fashion but I changed it to hand made cat toys, I made this changed because i thought it would be better for the audience and fit in better to what my magazine is about (my magazine is about cats so I thought I would make a cat toy that the reader can make for their cat). Also I changed the pictures on my double page spread I wanted the pictures to be more about what the double page spread is about rather the pictures random and point less. (So I changed the pictures and moved them around).


Have you ever wanted a magazine that is cheap, funny,useful and educationally?
But where would you buy this perfect magazine? And what would it be called? Well that perfect magazine is called Paw print. Paw print is a cat magazine. If you are a cat owner or about to become one then Paw print, would be perfect for you! Paw print has fun games, funny stories (with pictures). But also has a cat fashion, (fashion for you and you cat, now where have you seen that?) So why not buy the cat magazine Paw print for only £1.99, pawwwwfect!

Tuesday 13 March 2012

What makes a good pitch.

Good Pitch.
WWW (what went well) : (In the video at 00:00-01:44).
What went well in this video is that the people made really good eye contact and that they made their voices really clear so that the audience could understand them well and because they made eye contact and had a clear voice then the audience could listen to what they are saying and enjoy their pitch because they made eye contact and had a clear voice.

Good Pitch.
EBI (even better if): (In this video at 00:00-01:44).
Even better if with the same pitch if they had better body language rather then just sitting down through the whole pitch they could of stood up so that way their pitch could be more fun to watch for the audience watching.

Bad Pitch.
EBI: (In the video at 01:44-06:01).
Even better if for this pitch could be if they would of been more clearer with their voice so that way the audience would enjoy the pitch better, because the people showing the pitch talked fast and you could not really understand what they was saying.

Bad Pitch.
WWW: ( In the video at 01:44-06:01).
What went well for this pitch is that they made good eye contact this was good because the audience was more instersted in their pitch also they had good body language this made them look comfutable and more instsesting.

Thursday 23 February 2012

Three WWW's and EBI's on my pitch

Three WWW's ,( What went well).

- WWW: I explained a lot about my pitch to the audience.

- WWW: The powerpoint of my pitch was bright and eye catching for the audience

- WWW: I summed up every side of my powerpoint so that way I was not just reading what was on the powerpoint.

Three EBI's, ( Even better if).

- EBI: If I could of made eye contact with the audience.

- EBI: It would of been better if I had better body language.

- EBI: It would of been better if I had a clearer voice, so that way the audience can understand my pitch better.

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Planning my magazine.

My magazine.
Paw Print.

My front cover. I decided to choose the cat's title because my magazine is about cats and I wanted to use a title that is eye catching and a title like no other. Also I used the yellow background because yellow means happy and is also bright and eye catching this is another way for catching my audience attention. I thought I would yellow for my target audience because dark boring colours would not attract their attention but yellow would. And I used big, middle and small pictures and different pictures because then my audience will know what my magazine is about straight away and want to read more because they have an idea about what my magazine has in store.

My contents page of my magazine. On my contents page I used the same colour background as the front cover I did this because I wanted it to link still eye catching and bright just like the front cover. Also I thought I would the colour yellow because I thought it went well with the age group I'm aiming at (11-16 years). As well yellow is a bright, happy colour rather then using dark boring colours to attract my audience. Another thing is that I used a lot of big pictures but writing in all the right place (so it does not look messy), I thought I would add a fair amount of writing and pictures because the age group I'm aiming at is 11-16 years old and that age group can not have to much writing because that would be to boring and it can't have to much pictures because that would be childish. So I thought I would add a fair amount to make it still look instersting but still the right amount for the readers. And I used the title Paw print because it appeal's to the readers age group and it is very eye catching and cute.

 My double page spread . My double page spreed has one side of writing but some pictures but around the writing so it does not look to childish. And on the other side of the double page spreed there is a big photo and pictures around the big photo, I did this because I wanted the big photo to stand out even more and so that it is eye catching to the readers. I also wanted this part of the magazine to be about something that would appeal to teenage girls (age 11-16 years), and it is cat fashion, fashion for teenage girls. Also I decided to do this part of the magazine about cat fashion because its not childish because this would not appeal to young children also it would appeal to adults. Also I thought I would have cute eye catching and pictures that relates to what this part of the magazine is about, I thought I would do that because of the age group I'm aiming at loves eye catching, funny,cute and instesting things so I thought I would make the double page spreed look more instersting by adding small but eye catching images that suit the age group I'm aiming at which is 11-16 years. Also I used a yellow background because I wanted the background to look bright and eye catching, I picked this background as well because it is a colour that teenage girls love because its a nice, bright and happy colour not a boring colour. So that is why I picked the colour yellow for my background colour.